Book: Cadet Gray and Butternut Brown: Notes on Confederate Uniforms - Thomas Publications
Toy: American Civil War 1861-1865 Confederate Infantry (Butternut) (20) 1-32 Armies in Plastic - Armies in Plastic
Toy: American Civil War Confederate Infantry (Butternut) (20) 1-32 Armies in Plastic - Armies in Plastic
Book: A True History of Co. I, 49th Regiment, North Carolina Troops (Army of Northern Virginia) - Butternut and Blue
Apparel: Civil War C.S.A. Butternut Shell Jacket (50)
Book: Murder at Confederate Headquarters: An Historical Novel - Butternut Pubns
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Book: History of the Fifth Massachusetts Battery (Army of the Potomac) - Butternut & Blue
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Book: Personal Memoirs of Jonathan Thomas Scharf of the First Maryland Infantry - Butternut & Blue
Book: The Iron brigade at Gettysburg: Official report of the part borne by the 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Army Corps, Army of the Potomac, in action at ... Pennsylvania, July 1st, 2d and 3d, 1863 - Butternut and Blue
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